​​香港鐘錶聯展 / Hong Kong Watch Guild Show

© 2015 Hong Kong Watch Trade Development Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. 香港鐘錶貿易發展有限公司 版權所有 不得轉載

Member Rules and Regulations

This rules and benefits are applicable to the Hong Kong Watch Guild Show (Here in and after refers to as “HKWGS”) and individual who were granted membership by HKWGS (Here in and after refers to as “Member”). In order to qualify for membership, one must demonstrate to be in the watch related business.

  1. Members must abide the visitor rules stipulated in Form:HKWAGR.

  2. Member will receive a membership ID Card. Membership card must be worn at all time during the show. Otherwise, our staff or security personnel might reject member admission until general admission time. In case of member who fails to present their membership card, a replacement card can be made apply at a small administration fee before the admission.

  3. Membership card is not transferrable. In case of violation, HKWGS reserve the right to remove membership from the associated member.

  4. All ethical business practices within trade will be enforced. In case of violation, HKWGS reserve the right to remove membership from the associated member. Membership fee will not be refunded.

  5. In case of member who opt to withdraw membership. Membership fee will not be refunded.


Showcase rental rules and agreement 

This rules and agreement is applicable to Hong Kong Watch Guild Show (Here in and after refers to as “HKWGS”) and member who rents showcase from HKWGS (Here in and after refers to as “Exhibitor”). In order to become exhibitor, individual must possess HKWGS membership, for detail please refers to form:HKWAMR. All rentals must be approved by HKWGS to become effective. 

  1. Without HKWGS concern, exhibitors are not allowed to sublet, re-sell usage or lease part or whole showcase to other parties.

  2. All or parts of the exhibition equipment or accessories cannot be removed from the venue premise.

  3. Each showcase rental is entitled to two helper permits. Permits are solely issued to associated exhibitor only. Miss-use of helper permit might cause the removal of the associated membership. All helpers must wear the helper permit at all time during the show otherwise our staff or security personnel might reject admission to the show.

  4. HKWGS hold no responsibilities to any lost or damage of individual’s valuables. Exhibitors are responsible to purchase insurance to their own belongings.

  5. Exhibitors are responsible to all their merchandises being sold during the show. HKWGS hold no responsibilities to any of the transactions. However, if any merchandises are being sold unethically, HKWGS reserve the rights to remove membership from the associated exhibitor. And no membership fee refund will be made.

  6. In order to ensure showcase reservation for the next show, exhibitor is required to pay the rent in full for the next show. Otherwise, HKWA will not warrant any showcase reservation.

  7. Exhibitor is responsible to give absence notice two weeks in advance to HKWGS in order to claim the absence credit for the next show.

  8. In case of exhibitor fails to notify us two weeks in  advance, HKWGS will take possession of the prepaid rent. And no refund will be made.


General Admission Rules

All participants include helpers with exhibitor permit, members and visitors (Here in and after refers to as "individual") is required to abide the rules from Hong Kong Watch Guild Show (Here in and after refers to as "HKWGS")

  1. Disturbing noise, fighting and indecent behave is not allowed in the show. In any incident which consider endangering and threatening others, HKWGS reserve the right to remove the individual from the venue and report to the police.
  2. During the show, HKWGS provide security personnel to maintain the show in proper order. If there being any physical injuries, property lost and damages. HKWGS hold no responsible to any of the injuries, lost or damages. Individual are responsible to purchase insurance on their own to ensure coverages.

  3. Direct or indirect competitive activity is not allowed. Individual is not allowed to sell merchandise without the consent of HKWGS. HKWGS reserve the right to remove such an individual from the venue and might restrict the individual from re-entering the show in the future. 
  4. If there being any argument between buyer and member exhibitors, please try to settle the the incident without interrupting others, HKWGS will make appropriate assistance to help. To ensure an uninterrupted exhibition, HKWGS may request the parties to leave the venue temporary until settlement.